South Carolina Mortgage Fraud Indictments

 The next round of mortgage fraud indictments may soon be on the way from the United States Attorney in South Carolina. There will be developers, mortgage brokers, flippers and possible attorneys indicted. Many of the defendants are from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. A key resource to understand this new phase of indictments coming out of the Florence office is the F.B.I. (Federal Bureau of Investigation) website on mortgage fraud. A thorough understanding of this type of indictment is critical to a good defense to this type of case. Our federal defense attorneys are experienced in defending mortgage fraud cases. Many times the key to defending this type of case is understanding the loan process and how the funds were moved from one lender to a particular borrower. Information is critical to defending this type of case. A mortgage fraud case is a house of cards. Each player standing together can be strong, but if one defendant provides information to the government investigator, a new strategy may have to be used to limit a client's exposure in federal court. One of the hardest elements for the government to prove in a mortgage fraud indictment is intent. The desire to defraud a lender is critical to the governments case and any actions taken by a defendant to pay the lender prior to an indictment could be critical to the case.

REMEMBER ! THERE IS NO FRAUD UNTIL THE BANK STOPS GETTING PAID. The lenders rarely check any information on an application until the payments stop coming. You could submitted an application that is completely false and no one will care until you do not make a payment. The lenders did not do their job prior to lending the money, but that is not against the law. Mortgage fraud is a tool that banks are using to try and shift the burden of the housing debacle that has occurred. Many individuals were told by friends, brokers, bankers and sellers what to put on applications. You will need an experienced federal defense attorney to handle this type of case.

I new U.S. Attorney has now finally taken over the office in South Carolina. After having been held up in Washington for months, this new U.S. Attorney is a breath of fresh area for many attorneys.


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